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Phil Ledent

Artificial Intelligence in construction

By Phil Ledent, Executive Director of MIM

(Editor's note: MIM is an AOE client)

When the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) enters the conversation, visions emerge of mass unemployment, intelligent machines turning against us and other fears. Yet, AI is all around us—have you asked Siri or Alexa a question? Or did your smart thermostat adjust the temperature in your house as you woke up this morning? These are just two examples of AI in action.

Just as AI is becoming an integral part of our daily routines, it’s turning up more often on the job, too. A recent article shares ways AI is being used today to improve construction change orders, jobsite safety, equipment maintenance and reduce labor demand including:

  • Creating virtual project duplicates. Many building information modeling (BIM) systems use AI to convert information from designers, architects and engineers into a virtual duplicate of the site or building under construction. Time and costs are reduced and timeline creation, costs estimations and building sustainability predictions can be determined more accurately.

  • Monitoring site security and safety. AI can recognize a person on camera and alert authorities to investigate, preventing damage and theft of equipment and materials. AI can also identify hazardous conditions from videos and photos, and report them so you can tailor safety briefings and trainings to address any concerns.

  • Directing traffic in real time. Not only can onboard AI systems alert equipment operators to potential collisions with structures or other equipment, but they can even learn how people move around on-site over time. You can use that information to optimize scheduling and reduce congestion, leading to greater efficiency and fewer accidents.

  • Predicting maintenance. AI-enabled predictive maintenance uses sensors and performance data to determine the most optimal schedule. That means no piece of equipment gets unnecessary servicing or waits until it breaks down to receive upkeep.

These are just a few of the many ways AI can work in construction, delivering significant advantages in production, safety, cost-efficiency and more. If you would like to learn more about how architects and engineers are using technology to take masonry to a new level, please contact Phil Ledent. 


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